Legoland is Coming to the 408 - Complete With A Mini Bay Area Recreation!

Parents! Whether you're a lover of Legos because you spent hours upon hours playing and building with them back in the day or you're just looking to share your memories and create some new ones with your behbehs-now's the time to do it. Legoland is coming to The Great Mall in Milpitas! If you've been to Legoland or seen any of the detailed displays at Lego stores, you know they take their time and come up with creations that are not only spot on, but in some cases actually functional. I'm hearing that the Bay Area Lego section, will not only feature iconic neighborhoods in SF the East Bay and South Bay, but there will apparently be an actual running BART track running through the lego display. Get ready to see how Legos can really come together to create some ingenious designs!

Check Out The Preview Video ~~> HERE!!

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