Feelin These New Food Drops? Beer Drops + No Toaster Frozen Waffles

Eggo Waffles

Photo: Getty Images

We all have a few things to get done during our morning routines and if you have kids that list is much longer. Usually eating breakfast is on the list of things to get to before you can even leave the house. With Eggo's newest drop they are making things even easier for you- because you don't even have to toast them anymore. The Grab & Go is the first of its kind that won't require a toaster and can be eaten room temperature and will feature Buttery Maple and strawberry flavors. They will still come in the freezer section and require about an hour to thaw, but they come individually wrapped and can get eaten on the go.

Miller Lite also has a new offering for you if you love beer want to keep it lite but still get all the flavor. You can pick up their drops and for about $4 you can drop the flavoring into your beer to give it a boost of flavor! You here for these additions to the grocery aisles?

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