SF Approves New Art Installation in Golden Gate Park To Honor Black Lives

Sculptor Dana King has created a piece that was approved earlier this week by both the San Francisco Arts Commission and the San Francisco Recreation and Park Commission's Operations Committee. The Planning Commission has it currently under review and once approved the plan is to make the piece available to the public on Juneteenth 2021 through June 20, 2023. The plan is to unveil this piece of art on June 19th or Juneteenth to commemorate the lives of the first 350 African souls that were violently taken from Africa and boarded onto the first slave ship headed to America. On this long trip, many died and those that survived the arduous journey were then forced into inhumane conditions as slaves. These 350 souls will be honored in the art installation called the 'Monumental Reckoning', which will feature them as sculptures surrounding the space that once held a statue for Francis Scott Key. His statue was taken down by protesters last year- in an effort to remove statues of slave owners and supporters of the inhumane treatment of Black Lives. Mayor London Breed made the announcement for the plans to unveil the 'Monumental Reckoning' and she says, "This powerful public art installation in Golden Gate Park will help us not only commemorate Juneteenth, but also serve as an example of how we can honor our past, no matter how painful, and reflect on the challenges that are still with us today."

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